
Membership Prices

Our Association strives hard to maintain long-lasting relationships with existing members and we warmly welcome new members to join our Association.

Corporate Membership

  • Voting Rights including Elected Board Members

If you are an individual interested in becoming a member, please email us at

Australasia’s Peak Industry Body for the Workplace Drug Testing Industry

Membership Benefits

  • Keep informed with the latest compliance requirements and trends in the industry

  • Be part of the association that represents your industry to Government and Standards

  • Receive recognition for being part of the representative association for this industry in Australasia

  • Participate in industry improvements for education, quality and technology

  • Establish connections with like-minded industry participants

Member Benefits

There are numerous reasons to become a member. The benefits and description are highlighted below.

Member Companies

Abbott Australia Pty LtdFit4Duty Pty Ltd
Advanced Drug SolutionsHealius Pathology Pty Ltd
Alcolizer Pty LtdHunter Healthcare
Aus Health WorkInscience NZ
Australia Drug Testing Pty LtdJ&K Nominees Pty Ltd
Breathalyser Sales and Service Pty LtdMedinat Australia
Clonal Technologies Pty LtdJonathan Wilson Kinnect
CorporateChoice HealthcareMacarthur Cook Group MCG Biotech Plus
DATS NZOZ Drug Tests
Drug and Alcohol Solutions AustraliaPathtech
Drug Test AustraliaRoyal Medical Supplies Pty Ltd
DTBS Global Pty LtdSafework Laboratories
First Choice DiagnosticsWork Options


Here’s what our happy members had to say about our services:

Royal Medical Supplies joined the WDTA due to frustration with the existing standards and relevant accreditation bodies. The WDTA is a welcome collective of highly experienced drug testing organisations and individuals and I highly recommend this association to anyone in the workplace drug testing industry.

Royal Medical Supplies Pty Ltd

We joined WDTA because we felt it was important to be part of a united industry body, promoting the interests of members for compliance and dealings with various government agencies. WDTA has quickly established a foothold in this regard with representation on various Australian Standards Committees and presentations to the Senate

Fit 4 Duty Pty Ltd

Safework Laboratories has been a member for the WDTA since its inception in 2017. We felt that there was a need to have an industry body that represented those organisations that do onsite workplace drug testing and SWL has been delighted to see the interest in our new association as well as the high profile it has achieved. In the short existence of the WDTA, it has been an influential advisor and committee member advising on new Australian Standards that are directly applicable to workplace drug testing, it has been asked to present to a Senate Enquiry as well other political events, but equally importantly it has provided a forum whereby those companies that work in this space can interact and work in a collaborative way to support and help each other on areas of mutual interest.

Safework Laboratories